Friday, 31 January 2014

St. Albans Trapeze

St. Albans Aerialesque

I was recently invited to photograph the trapeze/acrobalance group that my wife belongs to.  I have done this before, which I have previously blogged.  I have deliberately not read my previous posts, as I would like to see if I write similarly about the experience, and if I actually learnt anything from the previous time.

The group is now run by a different leader, Kate who welcomed me to the first session of the evening.  The premise initially was to get shots for their website to help promote, and then to get shots for people to use for prints, social network profiles, that sort of thing.  Now regular followers of this blog will know I am not a professional photographer, however I do take like to achieve results I can take pride in, whilst giving those who are kind enough to pose a set of images that make them smile. 

St Albans AerialesqueSt Albans AerialesqueSt Albans Aerialesque

I unpacked my eclectic array of gear, and set about getting some shots of the class in progress.  We decided to try and get some shots of trapeze moves that started at the basics.    I could not dream of doing even the moves that they assure me were the simplest to achieve.  My setup was my trusty Canon 60d and 17-55mm (ish) f2.8 combo with a 480ex flash on camera.  I try using a lastolite eazybox, but neither me nor my camera really gets the exposure right doing this dynamic sort of shooting.  As a consequence these shots had massive shadows, and were a little harsh in places.  More practice needed I think.  We shot for about an hour, before the members of the second session began to arrive.  This session was to be more structured so as to be able to improve and control the lighting.

TrapezeTrapezeTrapezeSt Albans Aerialesque

I set up a background behind a low trapeze.  This was the single biggest mistake of the evening, and I regret doing it.  The cloth was far too small for the performer to keep within, and so I have ended up with numerous shots of people bisected by the backdrop.  Some I have been able to salvage in Photoshop, but this is time consuming, and to my self critical eye not the most appealing way to present the work of the performers.  If I get the opportunity in future I will not use a drop at all, and keep the environment as the background, despite it's busyness.

TrapezeSt Albans AerialesqueSt Albans AerialesqueTrapeze

Having said that we did have a lot of fun as people had brought stuff to dress up in.  This added a dimension to the shoot, and the images which was a lot different to last time.

TrapezeSt. Albans AerialesqueSt. Albans AerialesqueSt. Albans Aerialesque

I had a fantastic time with the group, and we did make some great images together. If I was asked to go back again, I would in a heartbeat.

Blogger Labels: Albans,Trapeze,wife,leader,Kate,session,premise,followers,photographer,pride,gear,basics,setup,Canon,exposure,consequence,hour,cloth,performer,backdrop,Some,Photoshop,self,performers,environment,dimension,camera

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Oh No! Not another 365 project?

1 of many possibly even 3652 of 3653 of 3654 of 3655 of 365 Tequila Mockingbird6 of 365 Rather Shabby effort
7 of 3658 of 3659 of 36510 of 36511 of 36512 of 365 Three Miles Later
13 of 36514 0f 365 scream15 of 36516 of 365 plenty of lightbulbs not many ideas17 of 36518 of 365 Livin next door to Alice
19 of 36520 of 36521 of 365

So against all my previous reservations I have decided to do one of those blasted 365 projects. Now let's just say to begin with. I haven't stuck with it. There have been a occasions even at this early stage where I have missed a day. This is usually because, well to be honest and truthful, I've been too tired to fight my laziness, and inertia to do one. I have, in my defence caught up the next day. Why am I doing it? Because it's there! Also I tend to need a goal to aim for, or a framework to adhere to. I want to do more photography. I see this is a way of feeding that hunger. Whilst I have not set a formal theme for this project, I do seem to have fallen into doing selfies. This is a rather dubious term that I always find hints at intimate self indulgence. Well perhaps self portraits fit that description. As with a lot of creative endeavors some days are easier than others for coming up with ideas, and then executing them. Some start with just a germ of an idea that may or not work such as the tequila bottle one, and others turn out pretty much as envisiaged, like the Alice Cooper homage. Some are obviously just straight forward, some reflect a mood for the day. I hope to keep it up for the whole year, although I'm sure people will get fed up with seeing my fizzog by about 31st Jan, I know I will! Here's to a year of exploring what I can do with my image. I welcome comments, critiques, ideas etc here and on my flickr stream. Don't worry, it'll soon be Christmas!