Monday, 24 February 2014

50 of 365 Mini figures revenge

So behind schedule again on the project. This one was quickly taken, and badly executed. I do think it's a lot of fun though.

Friday, 14 February 2014

42 of 365 Shattered

42 of 365 Shattered
Originally uploaded by Rob Johnstone
This started as a desperate experiment to keep up to date without adding too many vanilla portraits. We live on a very busy road, and from time to time a wing mirror will get clipped by speeding cars. This image was created using a damaged mirror discarded in the gutter outside our home. I clamped it, and after some experimentation using Mr. Fluffy, my faithful stuffed assistant, for focusing, I settled on this image to post. The lighting was a single source through a soft-box. The positioning was a little tricky as I didn't want the flash to spill onto the mirror.
I like the way the distortion on the backing has split my face into the wrong order.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

38 of 365

38 of 365
Originally uploaded by Rob Johnstone
Yes I do sometimes have weird ideas spawned from the most innocent of events, this one, or rather the original one (see flickr) was triggered unwrapping a wiifit board I had ordered for my wife. It must have been the tactile feel of the bubble wrap, and the slick, dark shininess of the black plastic wrap that fired up my imagination!

34 of 365 Ofspect

34 of 365 Ofspect
Originally uploaded by Rob Johnstone
Our school recently had an ofsted inspection. This led me to a train of thought about who inspects the inspectors. So OfSpect was born. This is a bit of a cheat, as the original image is two inspectors. However I don't think the world is ready for a composite of me in drag at the moment so just the drab me for the time being ;)

28 of 365 I'd forget my head if it....

A nice idea poorly executed. Still it was fun to do. No light bulbs were harmed during the making of this image

26 of 365 Wascally Wabbit

Bad bunny. Inspired by the pixar short. I happened to be wearing my tux after leaving a party early. I grabbed the opportunity to snap a little scene. Hop(e) ya like it!

23 of 365 Life thru a lens

This is a composite, however only to get both the inverted me, and the frame of the little lens nearly in focus.

This sweet little piece of glass came from dead projector. Have you ever dismantled one of those? Loads of great little trinkets in them.

22 of 365 If You Want To Get Ahead....

The 365 project has it's ups and downs. i often get behind in the project. My ideas dry up, my energy saps, sometimes I just can't be arsed. So not a photo a day, but more like 365 portraits sort of squeezed into a year, mostly trying to do one a day.

This one was a rushed one, well aren't they all. If I had taken more care I would have arranged the hats better. I can't believe we have so many hats to be honest. I am particularly taken with the little tequila hat.