This image was prompted by an unofficial campaign in the Uk to raise money and awareness for Cancer Research UK, a charity which in turn raises money, to research for cures, and treatments for all manner of different cancers. The campaign encouraged women to post a selfie without wearing any makeup. The campaign was a roaring success, going viral and raising over £1million in the first 24 hours alone.
A short-lived, and by far less successful attempt was made by men to join in by encouraging selfies with items of hosiery suspended from the a small, and specific part of their male anatomy. The obvious good taste hash tag being #cockinasock.
Now, I'm a little risk averse, am not too body confident, and work in an environment where it might not be conducive to my continuing employment to emblazon the internet with images of my rather chubby, and pappy naked body with only a cotton sock to attempt to preserve what little dignity, and modest I might be able to retain.
Hence this image. i hope it keeps in the spirit of the campaign, and if it makes people smile along the way, then I am content with it.
(incidentally I did do a reverse selfie with me completely 'made up', but my level headed wife persuaded me that I would have to be braver than brave to post it. Maybe some large donations to Cancer Research UK might sway my decision!)
Blogger Labels:,donate,cockinasock,sock,cock,money,Cancer,Research,treatments,manner,cancers,women,makeup,hours,items,anatomy,environment,employment,cotton,wife,Maybe,donations,decision,selfie