I have started running. Not in the Forrest Gump sense, or indeed in the Steve Ovette sense. Just running, or as I like to denigrate it to; power jogging. In fact this is more often than not just jogging, or stumbling. My wife, Jane, runs, my stepson James runs, and even my step daughter Kathryn now runs, all doing far faster miles than I can. I have been doing my little jaunts for a little over a month. I have managed to extend my distances, and can now just about do four miles without slowing to an official walk. Why do I do this? It's not to compete in races like the others in my family, who have collection of competition medals growing at a reasonable rate. It's not to raise money for charity! No, I run to try and get fitter. I am naturally sedentary, and have mortgaged my health and fitness over the last forty odd years to support my hobby of couch potatoeness. However all good things tend to come to an end, and so does my lazy streak, if a 43 year period could be called a streak. I had radiotherapy a few years ago, which I had been told might affect my lungs, so in a attempt to preempt this, I am bringing those bags of air up to full throttle. They don't like it much, and my legs do not understand why they have to get dragged into the whole affair.
Now for the record I do not like running, however I do like the stats that my phone application feeds to me. The best one being the amount of burgers I have burned. To make running easier I immerse myself in music, of more recently, and more helpfully, audio books. Why people nattering in my ears helps I do not know but it does.
Things I like about running: it's nice to get out in the fresh air; I have seen lots of foxes and other wildlife on my runs; erm that’s it.
Things I don't like about running: running; nettle stings, although I'm getting used to these and getting to get a buzz from it. Could it be a new fetish?; running with the runs is not pleasant, and thus apologies go to anyone trampoing through woods near my house. That brown foot long streak may have been from me, sorry.
I think my running is now a routine, and so will carry on. Will I grow to like it? (whispers)probably, but don't tell anyone ok?!?
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