Monday, 30 April 2012

Ceilidh Night in aid of Scope

Ceilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scope
Ceilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scope
Ceilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scope
Ceilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scopeCeilidh in aid of scope

Friday saw the arrival of the long awaited Ceilidh night. Much planning and organising had gone into this fundraising event, and there was anxiety as to how many people would turn up. In much the same way as the marathon the week before, I was in a dual role. Firstly and foremostly as a 'willing' participant in the dancing, and rather secondary, as photographer to get some images to send to the charity Scope, for which the event was in aid of. As you will see from the pictures they were pretty much grab shots, but I hope they portray a sense of the fun and excitement that everyone shared on the night. I believe the night raised well over a thousand pounds, and in that alone it was very successful, but in another sense the amount of perspiring, slightly tipsy revellers, with tired limbs from dancing, and exhausted mouths from laughing and smiling were testement to the success. A big cheer goes out to the organisers, and to the superb band who played all night, and gave their time freely, and of course to all the people who came to support, and dance the night away!

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