Thursday 17 May 2012


Originally uploaded by Rob Johnstone
It's a quiet Wednesday evening. The missus is out for a run, the kids are watching some dull teenage vampire film, what's a grown up, mature, middle aged man to do. That's right, get the Lego mini figures out. Armed with some water stained mdf, and some old kiln pot stands, I fashion some gladiators out of a couple of Tarzans, Eval Knievel, a medieval knight and King Neptune, and head off to the arena for some plastic related photography fun. I can hear fetishists ears pricking up all over the place. In a battle to the death a bored legionnaire looks on from a distance. He's seen it all before. To be honest, he'd rather be watching the midweek Christians vs. Lions local derby, but he is due to be dispatched to a distant damp gloomy place up north in the empire, full of mud huts and standing stones. Typical.

Blogger Labels: Gladiator,vampire,Lego,kiln,gladiators,Tarzans,Eval,Knievel,Neptune,arena,photography,ears,death,midweek,Christians,Lions,derby,empire,huts,Typical

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